Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Damper Making

Yesterday in class we made Damper as part of our NAIDOC Day celebrations. We learned how Aboriginals made Damper using traditional methods then we had a go at making our own.

We needed to use:
- 1 cup of plain flour
- 1 cup of self raising flour
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tablespoon of salt

Once you have all the ingredients you just mix them together, form little buns and then cook them on 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

They were so simple to make and tasted delicious! We put some butter and jam on ours. Some of us wanted to make more at home it was that delicious.

Have a look at our pictures below.


Well done to all our merit award winners from the last assembly! Sam, Jonathan, Diya and Raj have been working so incredibly hard over the past 2 weeks and their awards are well deserved.

We even had 2 students get 100% in Principals Challenge, which is very difficult to do, so congratulations to Diya and Raj!

Keep up the amazing work everyone. 

Student Councillors

Congratulations to Oliver and Pari for being selected as our Semester Two Student Councillors!

Oliver and Pari have shown exceptional leadership skills and consistently demonstrate amazing behaviour.

We are so proud of them and know they will make our class very proud. Well done to you both!

Classroom Plant

As part of our sustainability program, our class now has it's very own pot plant!

Our Student Councillors will be responsible for watering our plant and if we can successfully grow our plant we will get some more.

It is vital that we take care of our environment!

Thursday, 20 July 2017

A Note From Miss Atterton

Dear Families,

My name is Katie Atterton and I will be working as a student teacher in your child’s classroom for the next ten weeks. I am in the fourth and final year of my Bachelor of Education Degree and I will be graduating this December from the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle.

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to complete my final placement at Wattle Grove Primary School alongside Mrs Szczepanik in her wonderful year three class. I will be working with the students in your child's class in various capacities with both small group and whole class teaching across various learning areas. My teaching load and responsibilities with the students will gradually increase over the course of the term.

During my previous student teaching placements I have taught kindergarten and pre-primary aged children, I’m eager to gain experience working with year three students. My background includes many years working in childcare and tutoring high school students who were behind in their literacy skills. Throughout my placement at Wattle Grove I hope to create a learning environment that fosters imagination and creativity, a space where students feel safe, supported and experience a sense of belonging. I’m passionate about building a community of learners that facilitates student’s collaborative engagement together and encourages them to reach their fullest potential.

I am truly looking forward to beginning my student teaching position at Wattle Grove Primary School. I believe this term will be full of learning, not only for the students but for myself as well! Thank you for this opportunity.


Katie Atterton

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Term 3 Overview

Welcome back to Term 3! It is hard to believe that we are already half way through Year 3 already. This term we welcome Miss Katie Atterton into our class for her final teaching practice. We are very lucky to have such a committed and enthusiastic student joining Room 16 for the next 10 weeks. Please help us to make her feel very welcome.

Below, I have broken down the key concepts that we will be focusing on this term for each Learning Area, to give you an understanding of what we will be doing throughout this term. As you can see, we are going to be very busy this term!

- Multiplying and dividing 3 digit numbers
- Long division
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- Comparing fractions 
- Calculating area 
- Calculating capacity
- Learning our 6, 7, 8, 9 times tables with related division facts

- Figurative language such as similes, metaphors, idioms, personification, hyperbole and alliteration. 
- A wide range of poetry writing
- Narrative writing
- Use a wide range of punctuation correctly
- Spelling rules and phonics sounds
- Reading comprehension

We are going to focus of Physical Science and how heat is produce and how heat can transfer from one object to another.

Our focus this term is on History. We will be studying different commemorations around the world. At the end of the term we will be presenting a speech based on a commemoration around the world.

For the whole term we will be investigating the question, 'What makes a balanced, healthy lifestyle?' We will be focusing on healthy eating habits, exercising and healthy relationships.

This term we also have our assembly, book week, NAIDOC Day, sports carnival and learning journeys.

If you have any queries please feel free to come and see me. I am looking forward to another fantastic term together!

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik