Wednesday, 5 April 2017

A Message from Mrs S

Dear Parents, 

As Term 1 is coming to an end, I am so pleased with how the students have adapted to Year Three and embraced all the new challenges. Time sure does fly by when you’re having fun! The students have produced some fantastic work this term, and it has been great to hit the ground running.  Many students have already achieved their goals and made significant improvements, which has been wonderful to witness.

This term, our main focus has been on developing deeper comprehension skills and Narrative Writing. The students have thoroughly enjoyed Narrative Writing and using their imagination and creativity. We have been focusing on using descriptive language to capture the reader’s attention with great success. In class, we are now reading texts with deeper meaning and complex words.

Maths this term has been very hands on. We have been looking at numbers up to 10,000. As time was identified as an area of weakness, we have also had a strong focus on this. The students have enjoyed working with 2D and 3D shapes and investigating what attributes 3D shapes have. We have also been explored different measurement units and ways of measuring for length, weight, volume and capacity.

Next term I will post our main focus of learning for each key learning area, so check in Week 1. As you are aware, NAPLAN is coming up very early on in Term 2 (beginning of Week 3). We have been very busy this term developing our knowledge and understanding across all learning areas. Over the holidays, I encourage you to continue reading and doing Literacy Pro, revise spelling words and to go onto Study Ladder, so ensure the students are retaining and consolidating what we have learnt. For those of you who have NAPLAN practise books at home, I would suggest continuing with these. 

I would also like to thank all the parents who made the effort to come and meet with me yesterday to discuss your child's progress. Parent and teacher partnerships are so important to providing a successful education for growing minds. Thank you for making Term 1 a very enjoyable and productive term. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a very happy Easter! See you all in Term 2 for another great term!

Kind regards,

Mrs Caris Szczepanik

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