Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Zoo Excursion

Last week our class went on an excursion to the Zoo! We got to participate in a lesson all about animal classification, which was fantastic because it is what we have been learning about in class. We got to help classify a new creature that was found at the zoo! We even got to touch a snake and blue tongue lizard. We were all very brave, unlike Mrs S. 

After we had our lesson we got to explore the Zoo and find out many interesting facts about different animals. 

We all had a brilliant day. A big thank you to Mel, Sharline, Krishelle and Julie for being amazing parent helpers.

Class Breakfast

Dear Parents,

As we have swimming over the next 2 weeks, our class has decided that we will have a class breakfast to celebrate the end of the year! This will be held on Wednesday 13th of December and start at 9am, so please don’t have breakfast on this day.

As a class, we created a list of breakfast foods and have put the list up on the class door. I will also put a copy on the blog for those parents who can’t make it into our class. The list includes fruit salad, yoghurt, pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, toasted sandwiches, bread, fruit toast, cereals, juice and milk. If you could discuss with your child what breakfast item you will bring and write it down on the list. This way we avoid double ups. As it is at the start of the day, I am asking that all food be brought in hot as we have limited heating facilities.

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Book Return

Image result for book clip artAs we are fast approaching the end of the year, I encourage you to please double check that you don’t have any class or library books still at home. We have quite a few books missing and a lot of overdue library books. These all need to be returned ASAP.

Thank you!

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Important Swimming Notes

Our class starts swimming next week and we can't wait! To make sure we are all ready to go please read the below notes very carefully.

- You are to come to school with your bathers under your school uniform and with the correct school shoes on. If board shorts need to be put on, these will have to stay in your school bag until it is time to go swimming.
- In a plastic bag labelled clearly with your name you need your towel, goggles and thongs. We will change our shoes at school, so please remember to pack thongs in your bag.
All items must be clearly labelled with your name. It is your responsibility to ensure you have all your belongings before we go to the pool and leaving the pool.
- We will be eating our lunch at recess time and then once we get back from the pool you will eat your recess. This is so we have enough energy to swim our best.

If you have any questions please some and see me prior to swimming starting.

Thank you,
Mrs Szczepanik

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Super Scientist Competition

A huge congratulations to all the incredible Year 3s of Room 16 for the ginormous effort that you all put into your Science presentations. I learnt so many incredible facts about your choosen animal. Well done!

I would also like to thank all the fabulous parents of Room 16 who helped prepare for these amazing presentations. Thank you for your ongoing support!

A special congratulations to Raj and Arisha, who were the Super Scientist Winners from our class. Raj did a magnificent presentation about Bengal Tiger and Arisha told us all about the Orca Whales. Impressive work Raj and Arisha!

Sharing a Hills Christmas

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Last year Wattle Grove Primary School families were involved in providing food and gifts for Christmas parcels that where distributed to needy local families. We are again asking for your help to support this local endeavour by donating items needed to make up these Christmas hampers.

Each class will be asked to kindly donate items. The list is a guide line only.  All donations will need to be in by Wednesday 6th December. 

Rooms 1, 2&3: Biscuits/cereal/gifts for children (e.g. toys, books, games)
Rooms 4, 5&6: Wrapping paper/pasta and pasta sauce/condiments
Rooms 7, 8 &9: Tea/coffee, & presents for children (e.g. Toys, books, games)
Rooms 10, 11, &12: Christmas puddings/ tinned fruit/cool drinks
Rooms 13, 14, 15: lollies/candy cane/potato chips/nuts/fruit juice
Rooms 16, 17, 18: Custard (long life)/cream (long life)/milk (long life)/lollies
Rooms 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: Presents for teenagers and adults (e.g. toiletries, makeup, books, chocolates, tea towels, notepaper, games)
Rooms 24, 25, 26,27,28,29 Christmas cakes/tinned meat/ tinned fruit tinned vegetables/ cool drinks

Thank you for your generosity,
Daphne Bennett
Wattle Grove Primary School Chaplain

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Homework Week 5

For those of you who would like to do Week 5 homework or have finished your Science Superstar Presentation, I have put the homework sheet below.

Monday, 30 October 2017


As we are focusing on the Science Superstar Competition, there will be no homework except for spelling Week 4 and 5. If you still want to complete your homework I have attached the sheet below. Good luck!

Science Superstar Competition

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Literacy Pro Reading

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder that students need to complete 2 - 3 Literacy Pro quizzes per week, as part of their homework. Reading is an extremely important skill to develop, and Literacy Pro is a fantastic program, which allows students to not only practise their reading skills but their comprehension skills too. If done continuously, it has enormous positive effects on students reading, which I have had the pleasure of witnessing this year.

As students Literacy Pro levels go up the books becoming more complex texts, such as chapter books. I understand that reading 3 chapter books a week can be a difficult task, so I have asked the students to aim for 2. It is their responsibility to select the books at their level from the Library during their session and/or the classroom book boxes. If they need to get new books from the Library, they can do this before school at 8.30am Tuesday - Friday.

Next week we will be resitting our final Literacy Pro Test to see how much our reading has improved from the start of the year.

Thank you for your ongoing support, as positive parent teacher partnerships lead to a successful education.

Kind regards,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik 

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Term 4 Overview

Welcome back to Term 4! It is so hard to believe that we have just started our last term of Year 3. I hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing holiday. This term, there is going to be a big focus on consolidating previous learning to ensure that relevant concepts are understood and mastered. We have a very busy term ahead of us with weekly dance lessons and swimming lessons too. This term we are also going to focus on Computer Skills, in particular, typing and publishing our work.

Below, I have broken down the key concepts that we will be focusing on this term for each Learning Area, to give you an understanding of what we will be doing throughout this term. As you can see, we are going to be very busy this term! 

- Four operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Long division
- Money
- Time
- Mental Maths Strategies
- Mass
- Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
- Learning our 6, 7, 8, 9 times tables with related division facts

- Review yearly content
- Using higher level punctuation, sentence structure and vocabulary
- Figurative language
- Persuasive and Narrative Writing
- Reading Comprehension

We are going to focus on Biological Science and the classification of animals.

Our focus this term is on History. We will be studying our local community and how it has changed and/or stayed the same over time.

For the whole term we will be focusing on protective behaviors. More information about this will be provided to parents later in the term.

If you have any queries please feel free to come and see me. I am looking forward to another fantastic term together!

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Special Day Presentation

Last week, Miss Atterton sent home a research sheet for you to complete for your Special Day Presentation. Thank you to all the Super Stars who have already completed this. Your hard work and determination has been incredible to see.

You will be presenting your researched information throughout Week 10. Please look at the table below to find what day you will be presenting on. There is also a copy on our classroom door.

We look forward to listening to your incredible presentations.

Happy practising! 

Monday 18th of Sept
Tuesday 19th of Sept
Wednesday 20th of Sept
Thursday 21st of Sept

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Special Event Presentation

 Dear Families,

We are concluding our Humanities and Social Sciences unit of work this term with some short presentations. We have been busy learning all about special days and weeks that are celebrated or commemorated in Australia and around the world.

The students will choose a celebration or commemoration event to research at home and they will fill out their own presentation plan in dot-point form. It is recommended that students use information texts or the ‘Kiddle’ search engine to source their information. During Week 10, students will use their presentation plan to deliver a short talk to the class about their chosen special event.

Please see the attached task outline and assessment rubric.

Kind Regards,

Miss Atterton

Monday, 4 September 2017

Fire Brigade Incursion

Today we had Platoon A from the Welshpool Fire Station come and visit all Year 3 classes to discuss the very important issue of Fire Safety. Our incursion started with a fire safety talk, where we looked at different images and had to pick the fire hazard out of the pictures. Jayden was very impressed with our knowledge about fire safety and we were able to point out many different fire hazards.

Once we learnt all about different fire hazards, we then learnt what to do if there is a fire at home and at school. Over the next few weeks at school, we will be creating a fire action plan to implement at home if there is a fire!

After we learnt all about fire safety, we got to explore the fire trucks. We were very lucky as we had 3 fire trucks come to our school. Mrs S even got to dress up as a fire fighter, but she found the suit was very heavy. We all laughed at her because she looked very funny! The fire fighters were very nice and let us squirt the water from the hoses. It was so much fun!

Some of the main messages we got form this incursion were:
- Call 000 if there is a fire emergency
- If you hear the smoke alarm going off at home, the most important thing is to get out of the house and away from the fire. Don't try to get your favourite toy or your family. They will be waiting for you outside.
- You must keep everything a meter from the heater.
- If there is a fire, drop down low and go go go.
- Matches and lighters aren't toys they are tools.
- Firefighters don't just put out fires they do many, many different jobs. Some of these include rescuing people from car crashes, saving animals, helping people who get locked out of their cars.

We had such a great incursion! Thank you Platoon A!

Book Week

During Week 6 our school celebrated Book Week by having a Book Week Parade. We all looked amazing dressed up as book characters! Throughout the week, our class also participated in some really fun Book Week activities. We had to choose our favourite book and redesign a cover for that book. We also had to write a book report to tell others in our class what that book was about. We think they look amazing and we hope you will come and see our Book Week activity at our Learning Journey in Week 10.

After our Book Week Parade, we met with our buddy class, Mrs McIlwraith's Year 5 class, and read them our favourite book. We had a great afternoon reading with our buddies!

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


Over the last few weeks in Mathematics we have been busy learning all about fractions! We have learnt how to identify numerators and denominators, compare and order fractions, find equivalent fractions, express fractions in their simplest form, find the lowest common denominator and how to add and subtract fractions.

During our class discussions, we have really enjoyed connecting our fractions learning to real-life experiences. We have talked about the importance of fractions in our daily lives, such as cutting a cake or pizza into fractions! We have played some fun games together in our groups, such as fractions bingo and completed multiple fractions challenges.

Mrs Szczepanik and Miss Atterton have been so impressed with our persistence and determination to master fractions! We are excited to move onto our next Mathematics focus, which will be area.

Thursday, 17 August 2017


This morning our class hosted the Senior Assembly with Room 19. Our assembly was all about Poetry and we took an exciting trip to Poetry Land. We performed 3 short plays which were really funny! We had a great time performing and used brilliant expression. Mrs S and Miss Atterton are so proud of us and can’t believe we could remember all of those poems off by heart! Thank you to all our parents for helping us with our costumes and getting us to school earlier. We hope you enjoyed our assembly as much as we did.

Not only did we do a brilliant job reciting our poems, but our class also took out the Literacy Pro award for having the highest quiz pass rate. We have been working so hard on reading books at our level and understanding what they mean. It is great to see all our hard work paying off!

Huge congratulations must go to Jonathan for winning the Science Award and Samantha for winning the Values Award. We are all very proud of you. Layla, Blayd, Sohail and Calvin also received Merit Certificates which are very well deserved, so well done to you all.

Our Science Award winner! Well done Jonathan!

Our Merit Award winners!

Literacy Pro Certificate winners!

Values Award winner. Well done Sam!
Congratulations on winning the Literacy Pro trophy Room 16!

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Science - Fossil Fuels

Last week in Science, Miss Atterton taught us about Fossil Fuels and how important they are to our survival. There are three types of Fossil Fuels which are coal, oil and natural gas. Without these we wouldn't have heating and cooling which is vital to our survival and health.

Mining and extracting these fossil Fuels from the Earth can have devastating effects to nature. We got to mine for coal using chocolate chip biscuits. The chocolate chips were the coal and the biscuits were the Earth. We had to extract the chocolate chips out of the biscuit using tooth picks and then examine the biscuit without the choc chips in it. It was very interesting to see what mining for coal can do to the Earth.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Our Assembly

Dear Parents,

Our class is hosting an assembly, which will be held Friday 18th of August at 8:45am. Please ensure your child is at their class dressed in their costume at 8:20am that morning. We will be performing an item based on our love of poetry.  

Your child needs to come dressed up according to the play they are in.
My Brother On His Birthday - Party dresses with hair down so we can put party hats on our heads.
My Mother Does My Homework - Jeans, a shirt and enclosed shoes.

The World’s Biggest Burp - Jeans, a blue shirt and enclosed shoes.

Please ensure these costumes are easy to move around in! We will be checking costumes on Wednesday, 16th August, so please ensure these are brought to school for this day.

Children are to bring their school uniform in their school bag to change into after the assembly.

Your child will be bringing home a copy of their lines each night to rehearse, along with a link to the song and lyrics. Thank you for ongoing support and we are looking forward to seeing you all there!

Kind regards

Mrs Caris Szczepanik and Miss Atterton

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Volume and Capacity

Over the past few weeks our focus in Mathematics has been volume and capacity. We have learned that volume is the amount of liquid actually in the container and capacity is how much the container can hold when completely full. We have had so much fun using water and different containers to measure the volume and capacity!

Miss Atterton taught us that if we pour the same amount of liquid into a container with greater width, the water level will appear less. If we pour the same amount of liquid into a container that has a smaller width, the water level will appear higher. How cool is that!

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Damper Making

Yesterday in class we made Damper as part of our NAIDOC Day celebrations. We learned how Aboriginals made Damper using traditional methods then we had a go at making our own.

We needed to use:
- 1 cup of plain flour
- 1 cup of self raising flour
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tablespoon of salt

Once you have all the ingredients you just mix them together, form little buns and then cook them on 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

They were so simple to make and tasted delicious! We put some butter and jam on ours. Some of us wanted to make more at home it was that delicious.

Have a look at our pictures below.


Well done to all our merit award winners from the last assembly! Sam, Jonathan, Diya and Raj have been working so incredibly hard over the past 2 weeks and their awards are well deserved.

We even had 2 students get 100% in Principals Challenge, which is very difficult to do, so congratulations to Diya and Raj!

Keep up the amazing work everyone. 

Student Councillors

Congratulations to Oliver and Pari for being selected as our Semester Two Student Councillors!

Oliver and Pari have shown exceptional leadership skills and consistently demonstrate amazing behaviour.

We are so proud of them and know they will make our class very proud. Well done to you both!

Classroom Plant

As part of our sustainability program, our class now has it's very own pot plant!

Our Student Councillors will be responsible for watering our plant and if we can successfully grow our plant we will get some more.

It is vital that we take care of our environment!

Thursday, 20 July 2017

A Note From Miss Atterton

Dear Families,

My name is Katie Atterton and I will be working as a student teacher in your child’s classroom for the next ten weeks. I am in the fourth and final year of my Bachelor of Education Degree and I will be graduating this December from the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle.

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to complete my final placement at Wattle Grove Primary School alongside Mrs Szczepanik in her wonderful year three class. I will be working with the students in your child's class in various capacities with both small group and whole class teaching across various learning areas. My teaching load and responsibilities with the students will gradually increase over the course of the term.

During my previous student teaching placements I have taught kindergarten and pre-primary aged children, I’m eager to gain experience working with year three students. My background includes many years working in childcare and tutoring high school students who were behind in their literacy skills. Throughout my placement at Wattle Grove I hope to create a learning environment that fosters imagination and creativity, a space where students feel safe, supported and experience a sense of belonging. I’m passionate about building a community of learners that facilitates student’s collaborative engagement together and encourages them to reach their fullest potential.

I am truly looking forward to beginning my student teaching position at Wattle Grove Primary School. I believe this term will be full of learning, not only for the students but for myself as well! Thank you for this opportunity.


Katie Atterton

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Term 3 Overview

Welcome back to Term 3! It is hard to believe that we are already half way through Year 3 already. This term we welcome Miss Katie Atterton into our class for her final teaching practice. We are very lucky to have such a committed and enthusiastic student joining Room 16 for the next 10 weeks. Please help us to make her feel very welcome.

Below, I have broken down the key concepts that we will be focusing on this term for each Learning Area, to give you an understanding of what we will be doing throughout this term. As you can see, we are going to be very busy this term!

- Multiplying and dividing 3 digit numbers
- Long division
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- Comparing fractions 
- Calculating area 
- Calculating capacity
- Learning our 6, 7, 8, 9 times tables with related division facts

- Figurative language such as similes, metaphors, idioms, personification, hyperbole and alliteration. 
- A wide range of poetry writing
- Narrative writing
- Use a wide range of punctuation correctly
- Spelling rules and phonics sounds
- Reading comprehension

We are going to focus of Physical Science and how heat is produce and how heat can transfer from one object to another.

Our focus this term is on History. We will be studying different commemorations around the world. At the end of the term we will be presenting a speech based on a commemoration around the world.

For the whole term we will be investigating the question, 'What makes a balanced, healthy lifestyle?' We will be focusing on healthy eating habits, exercising and healthy relationships.

This term we also have our assembly, book week, NAIDOC Day, sports carnival and learning journeys.

If you have any queries please feel free to come and see me. I am looking forward to another fantastic term together!

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Sunday, 25 June 2017


A huge congratulations to Harry, Pari, Yingxin and Sohail for receiving a Merit Award at the last senior assembly. Your hard work, dedication and determination has been amazing to see and you are all fantastic role models for Room 16. Well done to you all!

Monday, 12 June 2017

STEM Challenge

Last week Mrs S gave us a challenge to design and make a spaghetti tower using only 20 pieces of spaghetti, a meter of tape, some string and a marshmallow. Our spaghetti towers had to hold the marshmallow on top for at least 1 minute to be successful.

Before we started planning our towers we researched different tall towers of the world like the Eifel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Space Needle. We figured out that to be successful the tower would need a strong, wide base and a thin top so it would balance. Once we gathered this information we then began to plan and sketch our tower with the person next to us. We had to make sure our diagrams were clear and labelled. 

We then had 30 minutes to create the tallest spaghetti tower we could! It was really difficult as the sticky tape wouldn't stick tot eh spaghetti, some of the spaghetti broke and some groups run out of materials. We had to use our problem solving skills and think of ways to over come these problems while using team work.

Some towers were successful and some weren’t but that is a part of Design and technology. Once the challenge was complete we then had to reflect on our design and think about what worked well and what we could improve next time. Next term, Mrs S is going to give us the same challenge again to see if our skills have improved.

Congratulations to Layla and Sam who built the tallest tower which was nearly 60cm tall and could hold the marshmallow for over 1 minute. Amazing work girls!

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Sundial Experiment

On Wednesday, we conducted a Sundial Experiment to finish off our Science unit all about light. We have learnt some seriously interesting facts about how the sun, moon and Earth all work together. We conducted an investigation about how shadows move and why. Did you know…. that although shadows move it is actually the Earth that is moving as it is spinning on it axis.

In order to conduct our experiments we needed to come up with an aim, materials, method and document our results at the end of it. We had so much fun and are turning into fantastic Scientists.  

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Super Scientist Competition

A huge congratulations to all the incredible Year 3s of Room 16 for the ginormous effort that you all put into your Science presentations. I learnt so many incredible Science facts and your explanations about your experiments and presentations were outstanding. Well done!

I would also like to thank all the fabulous parents of Room 16 who helped prepare for these amazing presentations. Thank you for your ongoing support!

A special congratulations to Pari and Mevindu, who were the Super Scientist Winners from our class. Pari did a magnificent presentation about fire and water. Her explanation about why the fire went out and the water rose in the glass was outstanding! Mevindu told us all about the atmosphere in great detail, which was so interesting and he even made a book. Impressive work Pari and Mevindu!

Planet Show Bags

As I am sure you have all heard by now (due to the overwhelming excitement!) we are mid way through completing our Planet Show Bags! This project has been an amazing opportunity for students to take control of their own learning and develop their research and questioning skills. As part of our Science and Design and Technology program, students were asked to pick a planet, create their own questions to research using the computers and record their information and references. From this information they have collected we will be completing Information Reports in class. Not only do students need to create a report but they also need to provide some fun activities which a show bag would usually have. These activities will need to be completed at home.

To break down the assignment we will:
- Complete our Information Reports at school
- Design and create our show bags at school
- Provide at least one activity from list one and from list two to go into our showbags. This will be done at home.

A copy of the assignment outline and rubric which they will be marked upon are attached below. I am so excited to see the final products in Week 9! If you have any questions please come and see me.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


In Science we have been studying shadows and light. We learnt that shadows are caused by an opaque object that blocks the sunlight from reaching the ground. This then causes a black shadow. Translucent objects cannot create shadows because the light can pass through them like windows. 

We also learnt that shadows move and change shape. This is because the Earth is constantly spinning on its axis. Have a look at some of our shadow crafts. Next week we will be making sun dials to see how people used to tell the time using the sun.

The Importance of Home Reading

Dear Parents,
As students get older, home reading is still equally as important as when they were learning how to read in the early years of schooling. I would like to encourage you to revisit home reading with your child and ensure they are reading out loud daily with guidance and support
A research study on independent reading and young students by Nagy and Herman shows that simply reading for 20 minutes every day can significantly increase the chances of your child’s educational success in the future.
Learning to read is about listening and understanding as well as working out what’s printed on the page. Through hearing stories, children are exposed to a wide range of words. This helps them build their own vocabulary and improve their understanding when they listen, which is vital as they start to read. It’s important for them to understand how stories work too. Even if your child doesn’t understand every word, they’ll hear new sounds, words and phrases which they can then try out, copying what they have heard.
As children start to learn to read at school, you can play an important role in helping to keep them interested in books. Find out what interests them, help them to find books that will be engaging and fun, and spend time reading the books they bring home from school together.
For more information please go to https://www.pearson.com/uk/learners/primary-parents/learn-at-home/help-your-child-to-enjoy-reading/why-is-reading-so-important.html 

Thank you and happy reading!

Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Literacy Pro

This week we resat our Literacy Pro test to see if our reading has improved. We have loved doing Literacy Pro and earning many certificates. We have been working very hard on our comprehension skills this year with great success.

Mrs Szczepanik can’t believe that we have done nearly 1,000 quizzes and read nearly 700,000 words! 

Have a look at us completing our Literacy Pro test.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Homework - Week 3

Due to NAPLAN being held next week, students will not be receiving homework throughout Week 3 or spelling words. They will still be required to do home reading. If students would like some further practice over the week they can also log in to Study Ladder.

Monday, 1 May 2017


Dear Parents,

As I am sure you're aware of by now, NAPLAN testing will be conducted next week. During this somewhat intense time for your child, there are a few things you can do to assist them at home. 

- In the mornings having a healthy, nutritious breakfast is also beneficial
- They need to be at school by the first siren at 8.30am so they are relaxed and can prepare for the test calmly as the tests are timetabled to start at 8.50am
- Encourage them to give it their absolute best
- Discuss any feeling and emotions they have coming up to and after the tests

Below is the NAPLAN timetable.

Tuesday 9th of May
8.50am Language Conventions
10.50am Writing

Wednesday 10th of May
8.50am Reading

Thursday 11th of May
8.50am Mathematics 

Catch up tests will be done on Friday, but please try and ensure your child is there to complete their assessment.

If I can assist you or your child in any way, please come and see me.

Thank you,

Caris Szczepanik

Term 2 Overview

I hope you and your family had a relaxing holiday and took the time to unwind from a busy term. This term our main focus will once again be on developing strong Literacy and Numeracy skills.

Below, I have broken down the key concepts that we will be focusing on this term for each Learning Area, to give you an understanding of what we will be doing throughout this term. As you can see, we are going to be very busy this term!

- Addition and subtraction with regrouping
- Mental maths
- Multiplying and dividing 3 digit numbers
- Place value to 10 000
- 6 and 7 times tables
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Measuring length and converting measurements
- Money

- Procedure writing
- Report writing
- Homophones and homographs
- Using a variety of punctuation when writing
- Building vocabulary 
- Collective nouns
- Spelling rules and phonics sounds
- Reading comprehension

- We are going to continue to learn about the Solar System, light and shadows. We will be doing lots of investigations.
- Super Scientific Competition will be held again this term.
- Students will also have a speaking and listening project about the planets.

Our focus this term is on Geography
- Naming the states and capitals of Australia
- Looking at regional centers of Australia
- Identifying major natural landmarks and features

If you have any queries please feel free to come and see me. I am looking forward to another fantastic term together!

Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik