Thursday, 30 November 2017

Book Return

Image result for book clip artAs we are fast approaching the end of the year, I encourage you to please double check that you don’t have any class or library books still at home. We have quite a few books missing and a lot of overdue library books. These all need to be returned ASAP.

Thank you!

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Important Swimming Notes

Our class starts swimming next week and we can't wait! To make sure we are all ready to go please read the below notes very carefully.

- You are to come to school with your bathers under your school uniform and with the correct school shoes on. If board shorts need to be put on, these will have to stay in your school bag until it is time to go swimming.
- In a plastic bag labelled clearly with your name you need your towel, goggles and thongs. We will change our shoes at school, so please remember to pack thongs in your bag.
All items must be clearly labelled with your name. It is your responsibility to ensure you have all your belongings before we go to the pool and leaving the pool.
- We will be eating our lunch at recess time and then once we get back from the pool you will eat your recess. This is so we have enough energy to swim our best.

If you have any questions please some and see me prior to swimming starting.

Thank you,
Mrs Szczepanik

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Super Scientist Competition

A huge congratulations to all the incredible Year 3s of Room 16 for the ginormous effort that you all put into your Science presentations. I learnt so many incredible facts about your choosen animal. Well done!

I would also like to thank all the fabulous parents of Room 16 who helped prepare for these amazing presentations. Thank you for your ongoing support!

A special congratulations to Raj and Arisha, who were the Super Scientist Winners from our class. Raj did a magnificent presentation about Bengal Tiger and Arisha told us all about the Orca Whales. Impressive work Raj and Arisha!

Sharing a Hills Christmas

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Last year Wattle Grove Primary School families were involved in providing food and gifts for Christmas parcels that where distributed to needy local families. We are again asking for your help to support this local endeavour by donating items needed to make up these Christmas hampers.

Each class will be asked to kindly donate items. The list is a guide line only.  All donations will need to be in by Wednesday 6th December. 

Rooms 1, 2&3: Biscuits/cereal/gifts for children (e.g. toys, books, games)
Rooms 4, 5&6: Wrapping paper/pasta and pasta sauce/condiments
Rooms 7, 8 &9: Tea/coffee, & presents for children (e.g. Toys, books, games)
Rooms 10, 11, &12: Christmas puddings/ tinned fruit/cool drinks
Rooms 13, 14, 15: lollies/candy cane/potato chips/nuts/fruit juice
Rooms 16, 17, 18: Custard (long life)/cream (long life)/milk (long life)/lollies
Rooms 19, 20, 21, 22, 23: Presents for teenagers and adults (e.g. toiletries, makeup, books, chocolates, tea towels, notepaper, games)
Rooms 24, 25, 26,27,28,29 Christmas cakes/tinned meat/ tinned fruit tinned vegetables/ cool drinks

Thank you for your generosity,
Daphne Bennett
Wattle Grove Primary School Chaplain

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Homework Week 5

For those of you who would like to do Week 5 homework or have finished your Science Superstar Presentation, I have put the homework sheet below.