Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Speaking and Listening Project

Dear Parents,

Next week, your child will be asked to present a 2 - 3 minute speech about what makes them special, as part of our Speaking and Listening Program. They will have this week to prepare, before our class presentations start on the 7th of March.

Please assist them to complete the ‘What Makes Me Special’ Poster. They are able to use this poster during their presentation. We will be assessing them on their volume, speed, voice, body language, eye contact and their content. These results will be placed into their test files for you to see at the end of the term.

Please see the below timetable for your child’s scheduled speech.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

7th of March
Wednesday 8th of March
9th of March
10th of March
Calvin Sohail  
Layla   Raj 
Leo            Steve
Charlie     Jonathan
Natalina     Yingxin
Mia              Oliver
Pari            Tane
Phoebe       Arisha
Shirlina      Harrison
Diya         Samantha
Blayd          Bella

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Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Literacy Pro/Homework

Last week was the first week that homework was sent home to be completed. It was amazing to see how excited all the students were to show me their impressive work.
 Just a reminder that they need to have:
- Spelling completed each night
- Read at least 3 books per week and completed their Literacy Pro quizzes
- Complete the revision sheet for the week.
Last week we completed our Literacy Pro quizzes so we now have our logins and scores. The students have already read an impressive 48,700 words and completed over 80 quizzes which is an outstanding effort! The handy Literacy Pro Library icon, now means that students can read books online, so they will always have reading material available to them. They can also change their books before and after school Monday to Thursday.
I hope that you too are finding our new homework structure much easier to manage and complete.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik

Australia Day Dress Up

Thank you to all our amazing Mums and Dads who helped us get ready for the Australia Day Dress Up. We had a fantastic day and looked amazing! We learnt all about Australia Day and how it came about. Did you know... Australia Day is held on the 26th of January every year, because that is when Captain Arthur Phillip raised the British flag in Sydney Cove. Pretty amazing!

Student Councillors

We are very proud to announce that our Student Councillors for Semester One are Tane and Natalina! Congratulations to you both and we are absolutely certain that you will represent Room 16 with responsibility and enthusiasm. We can't wait to see what amazing ideas you take to the Student Council Meetings.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Classroom Timetable

Important Dates to Remember:
- Homework goes home on a Monday and is due the following Monday.
- Library books need to be returned every Thursday.
- Spelling tests are on Monday and results will be put into their test files.


Homework will be going home today and will be due back Monday. The students know how to set their homework out, but if you have any questions or queries please let me know.

All books read at home, including Literacy Pro books, must be written in their home reading log and signed off by a parent. This counts towards doing their homework. They need at least three signatures to get a sticker on the rewards chart at the end of the week.

I really appreciate your support with homework and hope that our new homework system is easier for all involved.

Thank you!

Classroom Items Needed

Prime Mathematics Books
Next week our class will be starting to use our Prime Mathematics Books. If you have not paid for these books, please do so in the office as soon as possible. This is a whole school program and the workbooks are essential to the teaching on Mathematics and Wattle Grove Primary School. 

Thank you to those parents who have provided tissues for our classroom. Please remember that each child is required to bring in 2 boxes of tissues each. It is amazing how many tissue boxes we go through each year especially when the weather becomes colder.

If you have any old or odd socks at home, please send them into class as we use these socks to clean our mini whiteboards. As the socks get dirty students are given a new one at the end of each term. The more socks the better so please have a search around in those draws.

Welcome Message From Mrs S

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to another busy year in Room 16. I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.It has truly been a fantastic start to Year Three! As most of us are familiar with our classroom routines, we have been able to dive straight into learning the busy Year 3 Curriculum. Our main focus for the term will be on Literacy and Mathematics. I encourage all parents to attend as this gives an in depth view about the year ahead. 

Below I have outlined the concepts to be covered this term. 

- Extending our Persuasive and Narrative writing by using VCOP and developing more detailed sentences.
- Reading comprehension skills and reading longer more difficult texts
- Investigating different areas of grammar such as nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs
- Using figurative language such as similes and personification
- Spelling a range of new sight words and learning the Year 3 phonics sounds

- Learning our numbers in the thousands and how to break these numbers up according to their place value.
- Counting by 2, 3, 4, 5, 10s and learning the relevant timetables to go with these facts
- There will be a a strong focus on division
- Word Problems using all four operations
- Shapes both 2D and 3D
- Measurement including mass, capacity, length and volume
- Reading and interpreting a range of graphs and maps

- Earth and Space Science

History and Social Studies HASS
- Civics and Citizenship which includes things like the government and making rules and decisions

- Bounce Back Program which focuses on building resilience.
This term we will be working hard to prepare for NAPLAN which is coming along next term

In our class we have a strong emphasis on Co-operative Learning and Collaborative Learning Teams. The students have really taken it on board and are enthusiastically engaging in their roles. These teams are really helping the students with keeping themselves organised, staying on task and allowing learning activities to run smoothly. In Year 3, we expect the students to be much more responsible and take on leadership roles within the classroom. These Collaborative Learning Teams allows for students to be able to do this. 

Throughout the year if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to come and see me to discuss these. To have a successful year, we must work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. I am extremely approachable, honest and very appreciative of parent feedback. 

Thank you so much for your ongoing support and for assisting to make the transition into Year Three a smooth one. 

I am looking forward to what the year has to bring. 

Kind regards,
Mrs Caris Szczepanik